Purple flamingo plant
Purple flamingo plant

purple flamingo plant
  1. #Purple flamingo plant how to
  2. #Purple flamingo plant full
  3. #Purple flamingo plant free

For planters purchased over 14 days ago: These purchases can still be returned.InSideOut will provide you with a prepaid shipping label for you to return the product.* If you would like to return your planter within 14 days please contact us.

#Purple flamingo plant free

Planters Are Not Damaged: All planters include free return shipping within 14 days upon delivery.

purple flamingo plant

We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.).

#Purple flamingo plant full

You may return most new, unopened items within 14 days of delivery for a full refund. Please see the specific product category return policy for details and exclusions. We want to assure that every item you purchase is the perfect match for you! Almost every item is can be returned within 14 days of delivery. Our return policy may differ depending on the product that was purchased. Please inspect your package when you receive your delivery and contact us. An InSideOut Customer Service Representative will reach out to you within 1 business day with further instructions. What if I receive a damaged plant? When that happens, we fix it – be it a damaged plant or pot due to shipping carrier mishandling. 99% of the time your plants will arrive in perfect condition. Every plant is hand packaged with the necessary protective packaging materials. What if my order arrives damaged? Every plant is fragile and the shipping process is not always kind (or easy). For specific plant care details visit our Plant Care Tips page.ĥ.

#Purple flamingo plant how to

How do I care for my plants? All plants are shipped with a plant care card that provides instructions on how to keep your plants healthy & thriving. Typically all orders will be delivered to your location within 2-5 business days.Ĥ. How long does it take to ship my order? All orders are fulfilled and shipped with 2 business days. If you need to adjust your order please contact us immediately.ģ. I need to cancel/change my order. All orders can be cancelled/changed before they are shipped. Click here to see how we ship our plants.Ģ. All plants are backed by our 14 satisfaction guaranteed. We use environmentally friendly protective packaging materials to keep your plants safe & happy during their travels. How do you keep the plants safe during shipping? After shipping plants across the country countless times, we believe we have found the perfect way to assure your plants arrive at your doorstep looking just as good as they do in our pictures.

  • Pet Friendly? No - can cause digestive problems if consumed by your furry friends.ġ.
  • Click here to add a heat pack to your order. Orders placed without heat packs are not covered under our satisfaction guarantee.
  • WINTER SHIPPING NOTICE: If you live in a state with cold weather, we highly recommend adding a heat pack with your plants.
  • All plants are backed by our 14-day satisfaction guarantee.
  • With environmentally friendly protective packaging materials we will keep your plant safe during the shipping process.
  • purple flamingo plant

    The Anthurium originated in the South American rain forest so they thrive in high-humidity environments with a decent amount of shade. They can bloom all year long with enough light and water. These exotic houseplants have glossy heart-shaped leaves with a beautiful bloom that comes in a large array of colors.Our live Anthurium plants come in your choice of either red, pink, purple, or white flowers in 4" or 6" nursery pot.

    Purple flamingo plant